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Meet Ivybubble, the tauren pally. |
Now during our short period of leveling so far I have noticed some things in dungeons.
Things that bother me.
I'm too big of a pansy to say something though in fear of being ganged up on for being "that elitist jerk". No matter how nice I put it, if I try to help it will blow up in my face. So I'll just post a nice little tip section/ guide here on how to be pro in low level dungeons and beyond.
First of all, Tanks:
For the love of god do NOT let things hit you in the back. Sure you have a shield but how are you supposed to block an attack from behind like that? Seriously
While we're talking about the inability to block. Paladins, you cannot block while casting. Stop hard casting exorcism while actively tanking something. Just stop it.
Next, tab target is your friend, especially at low levels before you get a aoe attack.
Example, Bears.
Step one. Run up
Step two. Hit something with your mangle. Now tab.
Step three. Hit another with maul rage, god willing, permitting.
Rinse repeat and pray to magically get swipe.
If your dps aren't none caring jerks or haven't read this no one should pull aggro.
Speaking of dps, it's your turn.
Please please please, don't pull for the tank. Sure the heirloomed kids can handle just about anything but that guy in quest gear and that healer in some greys yet can't. Plus some people may just now ( I know shocker here guys) are learning how to tank /heal. Don't put extra pressure on them they may not be able to handle.
The tank is the first line of defense for you and your healer. YOU are the second. Yes that's right. You can defend yourself. Several classes have different abilities that make them able to slow or trap a enemy or even drop aggro completely. ( Be careful with the last one. When dropping aggro you might set your healer up as the next snack.)
Mages have frost nova that roots enemies in place.
Hunters have concussive shot.
Rogues have gouge.
These are just some low level examples.
Also, since you are the second line of defense, if the tank makes a error and doesn't correct it right away, protect your healer! Use some of the abilities listed above or if your a higher level, misdirect or even trap something going after your healer. Fear it (if your glyphed only). Maybe even blind it. The point is you have wonderful abilities that allow you to be a hero.
Which brings me to your crowd control abilities period. Learn them, love them, use them.
It's list time.
Hunters- Ice trap. Even more useful and easy to easy to use with trap launcher!
Rouges- Sap. Only able to be used outside of combat. Make sure you do this before the pull and feel free to use Distract if you feel iffy about the situation.
Druid- You have several tricks up your sleeves depending on the situation. Hibernate can be your best friend against beasts and dragonkin. While other times entangling roots may be useful for melee mobs.
Shamans- Hex. Makes things into a cute lil helpless froggy.
Mages- Polymorph. This has many different varieties. So many I can't choose a favorite form.
Paladin- Repentance. Only for ret paladins but still very useful.
Priests- Like druids priests have a few tricks depending on the situation. If going against undead shackle undead is fabulous. Now if your glyphed and only if you are, you can use psychic scream and cackle as your enemies tremble before you.
Warlocks- Even more tricks. Fear (AGAIN if glyphed), seduce ( a succubus ability) and banish. All dependent on the situation.
Warriors- Yea... your out of luck with cc.
Deathknights- You too buddy.
One more helpful thing. Make sure you have a target of target macro. I believe the stock keybind is F. I could be wrong. Please correct me if I am.
Now onto healers.
Like dps, please don't pull for the tank. Just because your bored doesn't mean you have to ruin their groove and stress them out.
Watch healing aggro. Yes I know it's usual business to hot up the tank if your a druid and a good tank will have no problem with it, but not everyone is prepared for everything to run by them wanting to eat you.
Now, if your on a stock computer with no fancy button mouse or.. god forbid.. on a laptop using a track pad like me mouse over macros are your friends. (Yes that's how I play. I AM FREAKING PRO!)
World of matticus wrote a nice post on mouse over macros. It's where I first found mine.
PERSONALLY, I use the /cast [target=mouseover] name of spell here macro. Super simple right?
It allows me to watch, say the bosses health or cast bars while healing.
Get a healing addon. I use VuhDo which pretty much comes out of the box ready to go but is very versatile. You could also use Grid or Clique. Try several ones out and see what you personally like better.
My next tip. DON'T play like my husband. ( He is the one who said this and promptly gave me a /rude when I said I was going to use it.)
Most of the things you find on the ground is not your friend, but he thinks they are.
There are few things you actually want to stand in. Like a druids evanescence or a priests circle of sparkly.
Last but not least. The best tip of all. For the love of the earth mother.....