Still struggling to get the house together after TMO bombarded us with stuffz.
It's slowly, very slowly coming together though. My favorite desk is set up with both my mac and my pc. ( I'm hoping to have a friend actually build me one that meets some specific criteria. "I want to run wow on ultra settings like a boss AND raid." ) I will be testing it in a bit tonight with wow and Raiderz to see how it does at the moment. The funny thing is, my mac is a 25" screen and completely dwarfs the poor little 15" pc monitor. It really is a sight. Maybe I'll take a pic later and post it for the lawls.
The pc is ABSOLUTELY nothing special. Husband bought it and the desk for $300 JUST so I could try starwars. lol. It has a new motherboard though. That's good right? *knows nothing really about computers*

Who else has a cat that does this?
Creeps me all out.
Anyway, on to wow.
I nearly left my horde guild.
Yes. My perfect guild.
Some major personality clashes erupted from vaults. I felt personally attacked though others think otherwise.
There had been a few other problems as well but the first three raid days sealed it for me. My husband had made it clear that one more time of him coming home to find me in tears over someone in a video game he was going to gquit me himself. Well that last day he caught me again and I had to physically fight him away from the computer. I loved this guild and I didn't want to leave it, yet I felt I couldn't take what I had been taking any longer. Nothing in the game was really fun for me and only a handful of people in guild could make me smile. Raids certainly weren't any fun. At all.
I sent a letter to my guild leader telling her about the situation and giving her my apologies for being yet another flaker.
She rushed online. Her and a few others talked me out of my emotional decision.
My leader bent over backwards to make me stay and make sure I was happy.
I was at a loss for words.
I was still crying heavily from the turmoil and also from how loved I felt by my guild.
My husband said "One person can ruin the whole", but those few made me feel more love from people I barely know then I could have imagined.
The person in question however has me confused.
We USED to be on real id, we USED to chat and make each other laugh outside of raids. Not anymore.
I realized a little while after the incident after we had a talk about how we were still cool with each other that he had taken me off real id and was generally ignoring/avoiding me.
Well, if that's how its going to be *shrug* then so be it. I'm actually amazing happy to pretend he doesn't exist. I don't have time to deal with that kind of stuff anyhow. There are too many smiles/laughs/perverted moments to be shared with those I love and trust in this guild. Those super close to me have my real id for 'just in case' along with YOU HAVE TO MANY TOONS syndrome. (cept one but I keep forgetting to ask. -_- lazyitis)
Anyway, to make me feel at home and take away my stress I have been placed on a different raid team as a *le gasp* healer instead of a tank. I'm perfectly fine with this. Healing is fun and it's where I began in wow.
I'm back to my resto druid roots.
I love the unity that healers can have and yet still be competitive.
I frequently find myself having to be the one to "herd" them though.
I don't mind handing out assignments or trying to plan things though. I like puzzles so trying to work out things here and there is no big deal.
Plus, back in the day I found myself as heal lead for Naxx. 25 man. *looks back and sighs* Good times. Just two friends and a bunch of recurring pugs every week. Downing what our own guilds on 10 man were failing at. That and my roots are stories for a different day though.
I'm going to give a shout out to the Wolf Pack of Llane and their amazing and hardworking guild leader, KittyKat.
Many of you are like my best friends and I can come to you for anything. Others I'm on my way to getting closer to. Thanks to those who are able to comfort me when I need it, make me smile when I frown and cause me to die of laughter when I least expect it. You're all the best!
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